Tujuan dan cara Sikap Pendidikan Profesional : Purpose and manner of Professional Education Attitude
Tujuan dan cara Sikap Pendidikan Profesional
Purpose and manner of Professional Education Attitude
a. Sikap Melawan Legislasi
"a. Attitude Against Legislation"
Pada butir sembilan Kode Etik Guru Indonesia disebutkan bahwa: “guru melaksanakan segala kebijakan pemerintah di bidang pendidikan”. Kebijakan pendidikan di negara kita dipegang oleh pemerintah, dalam hal ini dinas pendidikan dan kebudayaan.
"In point nine of the Indonesian Teacher Code of Ethics states that: "teachers carry out all government policies in the field of education". The education policy in our country is held by the government, in this case the department of education and culture."
Dalam rangka pembangunan bidang pendidikan di Indonesia, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan menerbitkan ketentuan dan peraturan yang merupakan kebijakan yang akan dilaksanakan oleh aparaturnya, yang antara lain meliputi:
"In the framework of development in the field of education in Indonesia, the Ministry of Education and Culture issues provisions and regulations which constitute policies to be implemented by its apparatus, which include, among other things: "
pembangunan gedung pendidikan, pemerataan kesempatan belajar antara lain melalui wajib belajar meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan, membina generasi muda dengan meningkatkan aktivitas pemuda, dan lain-lain.
"construction of educational buildings, equal distribution of learning opportunities, among others through compulsory study improving the quality of education, fostering the younger generation by increasing youth activities, and others."
Kebijakan pemerintah tersebut biasanya akan diterjemahkan ke dalam peraturan pemerintah. Ketentuan pemerintah ini selanjutnya diterjemahkan ke dalam program pendidikan umum. Guru adalah unsur aparatur negara dan abdi negara. Oleh karena itu, para guru mutlak perlu mengetahui kebijakan pemerintah di bidang pendidikan, agar dapat melaksanakan ketentuan yang merupakan kebijakan tersebut.
"These government policies will usually be translated into government regulations. These government provisions are further translated into general education programs. Teachers are elements of the State apparatus and State servants. Therefore, teachers absolutely need to know government policies in the field of education, so that they can implement the provisions constituting these policies."
b. Sikap Terhadap Organisasi Profesional
"b. Attitudes Toward Professional Organizations"
"Teachers jointly maintain and improve the quality of the PGRI organization as a means of struggle and service. This basis shows us how important the role of professional organizations is as a forum and means of service. PGRI as a professional organization needs guidance, to be more efficient and effective as an effort to carry out the mission and strengthen the teaching profession. "
Keberhasilan bisnis ini sangat bergantung pada kesadaran anggotanya, rasa tanggung jawab dan kewajiban bagi anggotanya. Organisasi PGRI adalah suatu sistem yang unsur pembentuknya adalah guru. Oleh karena itu, guru harus bertindak sesuai dengan tujuan sistem. Terdapat hubungan timbal balik antara profesi dan organisasi, baik dalam menjalankan kewajiban maupun dalam memperoleh hak.
"The success of this business is very much dependent on the awareness of its members, a sense of responsibility and obligation for its members. The PGRI organization is a system, where the elements of its formation are teachers. therefore, the teacher must act in accordance with the system's goals. There is a reciprocal relationship between the profession and the organization, both in carrying out obligations and in obtaining rights."
c. Sikap Terhadap Teman Sebaya
c. Attitude Towards Peers
1) Guru hendaknya menciptakan dan memelihara hubungan antar guru di lingkungan kerjanya, dan
"(1) Teachers should create and maintain relationships among teachers in their work environment, and"
2) Guru harus menciptakan dan memelihara jiwa kekeluargaan dan solidaritas sosial di dalam dan di luar lingkungan kerja.
" (2) teachers should create and maintain a family spirit and social solidarity inside and outside their work environment."
Dalam hal ini kode etik guru bahasa Indonesia menunjukkan kepada kita betapa pentingnya hubungan yang harmonis perlu diciptakan dengan menciptakan perasaan kekeluargaan yang dalam antar sesama anggota profesi. Hubungan antar anggota profesi dapat dilihat dari dua aspek yaitu hubungan formal dan hubungan kekerabatan.
"In this case the Indonesian teacher code of ethics shows us how important a harmonious relationship needs to be created by creating deep sibling feelings between fellow members of the profession. The relationship between members of the profession can be seen from two aspects, namely formal relations and kinship relations."
d. Sikap Terhadap Siswa
"d. Attitudes Toward Students"
" In the Indonesian teacher code of ethics it is clearly stated that: The teacher is dedicated to guiding students to form a complete Indonesian human being who has Pancasila spirit. This basis contains several principles that must be understood by a teacher in carrying out their daily duties, namely: The Goals of National Education, Guiding Principles, and Principles for the Formation of Indonesian People as a Whole."
Tujuan pendidikan nasional dapat dengan jelas tertuang dalam UU No. 20/2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, yaitu membentuk manusia Indonesia seutuhnya yang berjiwa Pancasila. Prinsip lainnya adalah membimbing siswa, bukan mengajar, atau sekedar mendidik. Pengertian pembinaan seperti yang dikemukakan oleh Ki Hadjar Dewantara dalam sistem antar nya.
"National education objectives can clearly be read in Law no. 20/2003 concerning the National Education System, which is to form whole Indonesian people with Pancasila spirit. Another principle is guiding students, not teaching, or just educating. The notion of guiding is like that put forward by Ki Hajar Dewantara in his among him system. "
Tiga kalimat padat yang terkenal dari sistem ini adalah ing ngarso sung tulodo, ing madyo mangun kurso, dan tutwuri handayani. Ketiga kalimat tersebut memiliki arti bahwa pendidikan harus mampu memberi contoh, harus mampu memberikan pengaruh, dan harus mampu menguasai peserta didik.
"The three well-known solid sentences of this system are ing ngarso sung tulodo, ing madyo mangun kurso, and tutwuri handayani. These three sentences have the meaning that education must be able to set an example, must be able to provide influence, and must be able to control students."
e. sikap terhadap tempat kerja
e. attitude towards the workplace
"It is common knowledge that a good atmosphere at work leaves productivity behind. This is well recognized by every teacher, and teachers are obliged to create such an atmosphere in their environment. To create a good working atmosphere, there are two things that must be considered, namely: (a) the teacher himself, (b) the teacher's relationship with parents and the surrounding community."
Guru sendiri juga tertuju pada salah satu poin kode etik yang berbunyi: “Guru menciptakan suasana sekolah terbaik yang mendukung keberhasilan proses belajar mengajar”. Oleh karena itu, guru harus secara aktif mengupayakan suasana yang baik dengan berbagai cara, baik dengan menggunakan metode pengajaran yang sesuai, dengan menyediakan perangkat pembelajaran yang memadai, serta pengaturan organisasi kelas yang mantap, atau pendekatan lain yang diperlukan.
"Teachers themselves are also clearly addressed in one of the points of the code of ethics which reads: "Teachers create the best school atmosphere that supports the success of the teaching and learning process". Therefore, the teacher must actively strive for a good atmosphere in various ways, either by using appropriate teaching methods, by providing sufficient learning tools, as well as steady class organization arrangements, or other necessary approaches."
f. Sikap terhadap pemimpin
f. Attitude towards leaders
"As a member of the organization, both the teacher organization and the larger organization (Ministry of Education and Culture), teachers will always be under the guidance and supervision of their superiors. From the teacher organization, there are levels of leadership ranging from branch, regional, to central administrators. Likewise, as a member of the Depdikbud extended family, there is a division of supervision starting from the principal, Kakandep, and so on up to the Minister of Education and Culture."
Jelaslah bahwa pemimpin suatu unit atau organisasi akan mempunyai kebijakan dan arahan dalam memimpin organisasi, dimana setiap anggota organisasi dituntut untuk berusaha bekerja sama dalam menjalankan tujuan organisasi.
"It is clear that the leader of a unit or organization will have policies and direction in leading the organization, where each member of the organization is required to try to work together in carrying out the goals of the organization."
g. Sikap Menuju Pekerjaan
g. Attitude Towards Work
"The teacher profession deals with students, who naturally have similarities and differences. The task of serving diverse people really requires a lot of patience and diligence, especially when dealing with young students. Maybe not everyone is gifted with such qualities, but if someone has chosen to enter the teaching profession, he is required to learn and behave like that."